CrossFit II
1,500,000 تومان
This program is 10 weeks and it is designed for four to six days of activity per week that can be broken down like this
Mon: Lifting + skill work
Tues: Lifting + short MetCon
Wed: Aerobic conditioning + skill work
Thurs: Lifting + skill work
Fri: Lifting + MetCon
Sat: Longer MetCon + skill work
Sun: Off
With respect to strength training, we program the variants of the clean, snatch, squat, deadlift, press, and bench press in order to improve the lifter’s proficiency in these elements through repeated exposure and progressive overload without specializing
Similarly, we have programmed the MetCons and conditioning in a way that develops capacity in wide variety of time domains (short, medium, long efforts) and modalities (mono-structural and mix-modal workouts)
Finally, we have also programmed specific skill work to improve performance on things like double-unders, toes-to-bar, strict gymnastics, etc
توضیحات تکمیلی
Week 7, Day 1
2reps @ RPE 6 (83%)
2reps @ RPE 7 (86%)
2reps @ RPE 8 (89%)
High Bar Back Squat
4reps @ RPE 7 (81%)
4reps @ RPE 8 (84%)
4reps @ RPE 9 (86%)
5-8%from the set @ RPE 9 x 1 set of 6-
High Incline (45 deg. Bench Press)
6reps @ RPE 7 (76%)
6reps @ RPE 8 (79%)
6reps @ RPE (81%)
4-6%from the set @ RPE 9 x 1 set of 6-
In 8 minutes, do 3 sets of strict HSPU @ RPE 9
3sets of 10 reps tap swings
Cool down with 10 minutes row at conversational pace
Week 7, Day 2
Front Squat
1rep @ RPE 8 (90-92%)
3reps @ RPE 9 (89%)
80%of 1RM x 3 reps x 2 sets
Bench Press, Touch and Go
3reps @ RPE 7 (84%)
3reps @ RPE 8 (86%)
3reps @ RPE 9 (89%)
Do 1 back off set @ -5-10% from the set @ RPE 9
Chest to bar pull-ups (strict)
1set of 8-15 reps @ RPE 7
1set of 8-15 reps @ RPE 8
1set of 8-15 reps @ RPE 9
Do 2 back off sets @ -5-10% from the set @ RPE 9
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10OHS 135/95
10Power Clean 135/95
10Strict Ring Dips
Cool down with 10 minutes run at conversational pace
Week 7, Day 3
Row 40 minutes @ RPE 6-7