Powerbuilding I

2,500,000 تومان

 The 531 Method for Powerbuilding

This is a 12-week Powerbuilding program that includes 4 workouts per week

Trainees who want to focus on increasing muscular size while improving strength in the powerlifts, e.g. the squat, bench press, and deadlift. While we expect most to see improved muscle size and strength, this is not a template focused explicitly on powerlifting or bodybuilding. Rather, this serves as a blend of strength-training and body-building wrapped up into one template

Everything included: Sets/Reps, Beginning Training Percentages, and Assistance work

Heavy, Hard, Intermediate Barbell Training at it’s best

Appropriate for lifters of any age

توضیحات تکمیلی


Monday – Deadlift

Light Paused Squat 6 x 2

Use a weight that is approximately 65% of your 1RM.
Use same weight from week 133-134
Rest about 60 seconds in between sets.
Pause for a solid 3 count.
Deadlift – work up to top set of 1-2

Look back at your most recent top set of 1-2 (week 132) and try to beat that weight by 5 lbs or by adding a rep (i.e. 405×1 > 405×2)
If you are new to the program, use your most recent training data to estimate a top set of 1-2 reps.
Speed Deadlift 8 x 2 x 75%

After the top set of 1-2, lower the weight to roughly 75% of 1RM and perform 8 sets of 2 reps. Pull each set with an emphasis on bar speed and acceleration.
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Stiff Leg Deadlift 1 x 6-8

Pull a max effort set of between 6-8 reps.
Beat your performance on week 134 by adding weight or reps!!
Use straps as needed.
1-2″ deficit optional for increase range of motion on hamstrings.
Barbell Row 1 x 6-8, 1 x 10-12

Deload the barbell again and after 1-2 warm ups for feel, perform a max effort set of barbell rows in the 6-8 range.
Rest 3-5 minutes, reduce weight on the barbell, and perform a second max effort set in the 10-12 range.
Use a double overhand grip with straps
Beat your performance on week 134 by adding weight or reps.

Wednesday – Bench Press

Bench Press – work up to top set of 1-2

Look back at your most recent top set of 1-2 (week 132) and try to beat that weight by 2-5 lbs or by adding a rep
If you are new to the program, use your most recent training data to estimate a top set of 1-2 reps.
Speed Bench Press 8 x 3 @ 75%

After the top set of 1-2, lower the weight by to roughly 75% of 1RM and perform 8 sets of 3 reps. Push each set with an emphasis on bar speed and acceleration.
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Pause reps for increased difficulty as needed
Use a weight that is about 5% heavier (or just add 5-10 lbs) than the weight that was used in week 130-132 but equivalent to the weight in weeks 133-134.
Close Grip Bench Press 3 sets of 5-8

Select a load that ends near failure in each set between 5-8 reps. Adjust load as needed from set to set or hold weight static for all 3 sets.
Close Grip Bench will be supersetted with the first 3 sets of chins ups.
Try and beat last weeks performance by either adding weight or reps.
Chin Ups 6 x max reps

Use a full range of motion each set. Add weight if you can get more than 8-10 reps with bodyweight. Adjust as needed set to set.
The first 3 sets of chins will be supersetted with Close Grip Bench.
The last 3 sets of chins will be supersetted with Dips
Dips 3 x max (bodyweight)

Aim for at least 10 reps per set. If you cannot do 10 dips, break each set into mini-sets until you achieve 10.

Superset Dips with final 3 sets of chins.

For super sets – rest about 1-2 minutes between each exercise. This will keep the pace up but ensure that you still get 2-4 minutes rest between sets of the same movement.

Friday – Squat

Back Squat – work up to top set of 1-2

Look back at your most recent top set of 1-2 (week 132) and try to beat that weight by 5 lbs or add a rep
If you are new to the program, use your most recent training data to estimate a top set of 1-2 reps.
Speed Squat 6 x 4 @ 75%

After the top set of 3, lower the weight to roughly 75% of 1RM and perform 6 sets of 4 reps. Push each set with an emphasis on bar speed and acceleration.
Use a weight that is approximately 5% heavier than the weight that was used in Weeks 130-132 but the same weight as weeks 133-134
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Close Stance High Bar Pause Squat 1 x 6-8

After the speed sets, deload the barbell and aim for a single max effort set in the 6-8 range. Keep a narrow stance, use as deep a range of motion as possible, pause at the bottom for a 1-2 count.
Quads should be DONE after this set.
Beat last weeks performance by adding load or reps
Light Posterior Chain 3 x 15-20

Use the exercise of your choice: 45 or 90 degree back extensions, leg curls, glute ham raises, reverse hypers, kettlebell swings, DB RDLs, etc.
Superset with Abs
Abs 3 x 15-20

Use the exercise of your choice: sit ups, leg raises, ab wheel, DB oblique crunch, etc.
Superset with light posterior chain movement.

Saturday – Overhead Press

Standing Overhead Press – work up to top set of 1-2

Look back at your most recent top set of 1-2 (week 132) and try to beat that weight by 2-5 lbs.
If you are new to the program, use your most recent training data to estimate a top set of 1-2 reps
Speed Press 8 x 3 @ 75%

After the top set of 1-2, lower the weight to roughly 75% of 1RM and perform 8 sets of 3 reps. Push each set with an emphasis on bar speed and acceleration.
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Use a weight that is about 5% heavier (or just 5-10 lbs) than the weight you used for weeks 130-132 but equal to the weight used in weeks 133-134
Pull Ups 3 x max reps

Add weight if you can get more than 15 with body weight.
Rest about 3 minutes between sets
Overhead Tricep Extension / French Press (w/ ez bar or DB(s)) 3 x 8-12

Adjust load as needed from set to set to stay in the 8-12 range. Use full range of motion and strict form on each set.
Beat last week by adding load or adding reps
Superset with BB Curls
BB Curls 3 x 8-12

Adjust load as needed from set to set to stay in the 8-12 range. Use full range of motion and strict form on each set.
Superset with overhead tricep extensions.
*Rest about 1 minute between exercises. This will give you 2-3 minutes rest between sets of the same exercise.

*Attempt to add reps or add weight to the extensions and Curls and beat your performance from last week.

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